Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Historical Investigation, Day 6 - Class Recap

The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter! At the start of next class, your historical investigation is due. I hope everyone is on track to turn it in on time and hit all the learning targets we have been working on! Picture taken at Cape Kiwanda on the Oregon Coast in 2009.

Hi everyone,

I hope you are reading this with the confidence that your historical investigation research project is done, or almost done! The entire final draft of the project, along with the rubric, is due next class (Friday). Here's the recap:

Learning Targets Addressed: 
SS.HS.RE.ALT.04: I can use evidence from my research to effectively address the research topic.
SS.HS.CO.ALT.01: I can organize ideas in a logically sequenced manner and in a way that is appropriate to the content area.
SS.HS.CR.ALT.04: I can evaluate information and explanations within a given context and develop a relevant conclusion.
SS.HS.RE.ALT.02: I can access relevant information from multiple and varied sources.
SS.HS.CR.ALT.05: I can justify and support arguments or interpretation with appropriate evidence.

Soundtrack: “Help Yourself” by Sad Brad Smith. Selected because today's peer review day was in the hopes that you would help yourself by getting feedback on your historical investigation. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 2/26/14: 
News Brief
Peer Review
Independent Work Time

Homework: Historical Investigation due next class! Read the blog! Next news brief is assigned to Isidro.

News Brief: Today's news brief was helpfully brought in by Cassey, because I forgot to assign it last class. She chose this story: - California couple strikes gold after finding $10 million in rare coins. Wow! That would be a pretty fun discovery if you were walking around where you live! Thanks, Cassey.

Peer Review: The entire rest of the class was devoted to peer review and work on the historical investigation. If you missed class, or want to see the form again, here it is to download:

If you would like to see the overview of the entire project again, here it is:

If you are interested in exactly how you will be graded, please see the learning target rubrics here (the formatting is off - there are extra copies in class):

If you are looking for details about any specific element of the assignment, links are here on the blog, or just comment and I will post whatever you need. I am here to help, but ultimately, it is up to you to make sure that the project is done and ready to turn in next class!

Independent Work Time: After peer review, there was time in class to keep working on the project. I made sure, once again, to talk to every student in class about how it was going and offer a pass to the computer lab or library if needed.

See you next class - please bring your entire revised Historical Investigation printed and ready to turn in, with the grading rubric on top! Thank you!


  1. So in the Historical Investigation, Part D is basically just supposed to answer your research question(s) from Part A?

    1. Part D is an analysis of the evidence you presented in Part B, and yes, how it answers the research question. So like, "The evidence shows that... ______. This means that ______." See the previous blog entry for Ms. Gilman's example!


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