Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Immigration, Day 2 - Class Recap

Last class, we visited the front lobby at Westview, and learned about some of the many languages spoken by families here.

Dear class,

We continued our sprint to the finish line of the semester today, by looking at immigration in the United States. Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Behavior LT 2: I can manage my responsibilities as a student.
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Knowledge LT 16: I can explain the process of change and continuity in a society, place, or region.

Soundtrack: "Come As You Are" by Nirvana. Selected for today because of the millions of immigrants who have come to the United States as they are. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/9/19:
News Brief – Ryan
Last Night's Speeches
Stereotypes and Statistics
Final Project

Homework: Read the blog. Know your grade (updated on StudentVUE) and improve it, if possible! All late/missing/revised work for this semester is due by next Thursday, January 17th. Next news brief: Jacob.

News Brief: Ryan had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - Lonely George was the last Hawaiian tree snail of his kind. He died, and an entire species has gone extinct.. After discussing the story, we also checked in to see if anyone was up to anything interesting or fun outside of class.

Jacob was assigned to do the next news brief.

As part of the news brief, we also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class): - One-minute World News

Finally, I also noted that new research into the Holocaust has shown that there was a particularly horrific and deadly period of time in 1942 where about 14,000+ Jewish people were killed per day for three months, making it even deadlier than the Rwandan genocide on a per day basis. Since last year, I told my Global Studies classes that Rwanda was the deadliest genocide per day, I wanted to update this.

Last Night's Speeches: Because of our unit on immigration, and the ongoing government shutdown over the possibility of a border wall between the United States and Mexico, I wanted to show students the speeches that were delivered by President Trump and then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Here are the videos we watched:

As we watched, I wanted students to take notes on what the government leaders were saying about what they wanted to happen with the current situation with the border and the shutdown, and why. We then had a conversation about some of the information presented in the speeches.

Stereotypes and Statistics: Next, connected to the speeches, I asked students to consider some common stereotypes about immigrants (specifically, Latinx and Hispanic immigrants), and find data about the actual statistics. We watched this video to introduce this section of class:

 This was the link I shared with students to help:

Here is the worksheet that students were filling out:

We then talked about this information as a class, and were just about finished as the bell rang to stop our short Wednesday together. Next class, I will introduce the final project! See you then!

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