Friday, March 1, 2019

The Great Depression, Day 1 - Class Recap

The New York Stock Exchange. Photo taken in 2009.

Hi everyone,

Welcome back from your unexpected Snow Days on Monday and Wednesday! I really missed you all, as it has been over a week since we had an A day at Westview. I enjoyed seeing your 1920s advertising displays in class! We also started learning about the Great Depression and what caused it. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledg ALT 8: I can identify how technological knowledge and innovation shapes a society, place, or region.
Critical Thinking ALT 5: I can justify and support arguments or interpretation with appropriate evidence.

Soundtrack: "Inner City Blues" by Marvin Gaye. Selected for today because of all of the people feeling blue because of the Great Depression. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 3/1/19:
News Brief - Subbu
Gallery Walk
Great Depression
Picture Activity

Homework: Read the blog! Post a comment if you have not yet this semester! Next news brief: Alondra.

News Brief: Subbu had the news brief today, but was not in class, so I filled in and selected an article about this story to talk about: - Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announces 2020 presidential bid. After discussing the story, we also checked in to see if anyone was up to anything interesting or fun outside of class. It had been a long time, so I was definitely interested in hearing what everyone has been up to!

Alondra was assigned to do the next news brief.

Today's Black History Month fact is that Carter G. Woodson started what was then known as "Negro History Week" on February 26, 1926. Even though our units throughout this month have not focused specifically on Black history, I appreciate that students seemed willing to learn a little bit more each day!

I also talked briefly about a new documentary that came out on Monday night, called "Black Pioneers" about people of color in Oregon's history. I really enjoyed it and encourage you to watch it! Here's the video:

As part of the news brief, we also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

Gallery Walk: The 1920s advertising assignment was due today in class. Here's a copy of it:

This assignment is based on choosing a product from the last slide from this presentation:

Google Slides - The Business of America in the 1920s PowerPoint

Students were assigned a product in class to create an advertisement for. If you missed class, you can select a product from the last slide to focus on.

In class today, we walked around and "voted" with fake money for what we thought was the best advertisement for a product. I enjoyed this - thanks, everyone!

Great Depression: To continue this unit on the Roaring 20s, we need to see what happened after, so we transitioned to learning about the causes of the Great Depression in class. Here's the PowerPoint presentation that I went through as students took notes:

Please save these notes, as students will be completing a final assessment for this unit using them!

Picture Activity: Next, I had students get up and look around the room to do some primary source analysis of photos from the Great Depression. Here are the photos that I posted around the room:

And here is the assignment that students filled out in class by selecting a few photos to analyze:

Thank you for your effort on this! I know it was a busy day - this is what happens when I last saw students over a week ago due to the snow!

Forecasting Questions?: If time at the end of class, I gave students the opportunity to ask me forecasting questions about next year's classes. Here's the presentation that I went through with everyone last week:

Your forms are due to be filled out, signed, and turned in next Wednesday (due to the snow canceling Wednesday this week) in your Community class. Please let me know if I can help at all with any of this for you! 

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