Monday, April 22, 2019

Historical Investigation/Cold War, Day 10 - Class Recap

We continued talking about "fake news" today in class. I really enjoy reading real news from a variety of sources. This was the international edition of the New York Times that I was given on my trip to China over Spring Break 2019.

Dear class,

I enjoyed the Socratic Seminar on fake news in class! We now have just over a week until the Historical Investigation research project is due! Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Critical Thinking LT 4: I can evaluate information and explanations within a given context and develop a relevant conclusion.
Critical Thinking LT 5: I can justify and support arguments or interpretation with appropriate evidence.
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Research LT 1: I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "Earth (Gaia)" by The Orb. Selected for today because it is Earth Day! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 4/22/19:
News Brief - Norri
Socratic Seminar
Historical Investigation Work Time

Homework: Read the blog! Continue working on your Historical Investigation outside of class! Next news brief: Oreana.

News Brief: Norri had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - The Mueller report is out. After discussing the story, we also checked in to see if anyone was up to anything interesting or fun outside of class.

Oreana was assigned to do the next news brief.

As part of the news brief, we also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):

Socratic Seminar: Last class, we looked at what "fake news" is and how/why it spreads. Here are the articles that today's seminar was based on:

The assignment that goes along with these readings, due today as a part of the discussion, is here:

The essential question that we explored is: To what extent are individuals responsible for the creation and spread of fake news?

Alternatively: whose is at fault for fake news?

Thanks, everyone, for the discussion today! I think it's really important that we know where information is coming from and investigate a variety of sources, like we are doing with the historical investigation right now!

Reflection: After the seminar, I passed out the reflection form (on the third page of the preparation link above), which was due in class today as well. I also wanted to get the thoughts of students about how the discussion went!

Historical Investigation Work Time: This is the major assignment of the semester, which involves quite a lot of research time inside and outside of class. Here's the assignment overview:

Here's what we went over in class as an example from Mrs. Ferris (who used APA format for citations - we have learned MLA the last two years, but either is fine as long as you are consistent):

Here's the calendar for the month and what we are doing - be aware that this is subject to change and revision!

The rest of the class was devoted to work time on the Historical Investigation. Next class, we will look at the impact of the arms race on the Cold War, along with the Cuban Missile Crisis. See you then!

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