Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Native Americans, Day 9 - Class Recap

Note: For students in Mr. Puterbaugh's Period 2 class, here's the blog from what we did today in class, on Wednesday, October 29.

Trees in a forest near Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge.

Dear class,

We continued the Documents Based Question (DBQ) today, as students had this combined assignment with my class and Mr. Puterbaugh's Lit and Comp 10 class (if applicable). Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets Addressed: 
Behavior LT 2: I can manage my responsibilities as a student.
Critical Thinking LT 5: I can justify and support arguments or interpretation with appropriate evidence.
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Knowledge LT 16: I can explain the process of change and continuity in a society, place, or region.

Soundtrack: "Indian Piano Theme" by Matthew Morgan. Selected for today because of the title and because instrumental music might help set the mood for some good work in class. Listen to the song here.

AGENDA 10/29/19:
Continue Part I of DBQ
Introduce Part II

Homework: Read the blog. Turn in all missing work ASAP. Bring your Chromebook fully charged next class! The next news brief is assigned to: Connor.

Review Last Class: On Friday, we made a list of major issues related to Native American power and assimilation. For students in both my class and Mr. Puterbaugh, it is likely that you began work on Part I of the DBQ yesterday.

Here are the notes that we took down together:

Continue Part I of the DBQ: During the first part of class, we gave time for students to finish up the analysis questions for the Documents Based Question (Part I). If students were only in one of our classes (and thus, were not in class yesterday to start Part I), Mr. Puterbaugh gave a separate introduction to the assignment, across the hall.

Introduce Part II: About 30 minutes into class, we turned our attention to introducing the actual essay prompts for Part II of the DBQ (also in Google Classroom). Here's the presentation that we went through to introduce it:

As a reminder, students are choosing either the assimilation question OR the power question to write about. Students MUST use (by citing/referring to in Part II) at least one document from the DBQ Part I. Students also must use at least one source from American Studies (assuming that they have the class with me), and one source for Lit and Comp 10 (assuming that they have the class with Mr. Puterbaugh - if you do not have him for LC10, you just have the first two sources that need to be referred to).

There were a lot of good questions here. Yes, students may use their notes and sources. Yes, students may use the brainstorm posters around the room. Yes, students have the option of using a graphic organizer for their essay. Yes, we are passing out a checklist (see the last slide of the above DBQ Prep presentation).

The rest of class today was work time on Part II of the DBQ, which is a 5 paragraph essay response. We will also be working on this tomorrow (Wednesday - if you have both Mr. Puterbaugh and me) and Thursday (everyone in Period 1), as well. For students that do not have Mr. Puterbaugh, I was happy to write passes to come work on it during Study Hall.

We ask that you NOT work on the DBQ outside of class. It is supposed to be a sort of timed write, and we want to be with you in support, instead of you doing this away from class.

Thanks for your hard work, everyone! We will keep at it the rest of the week!

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