Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cold War America, Day 11 - Class Recap

A few students are working on Cold War newspapers in relation to the United States dropping the atomic bomb on Japan. This is the Meiji Shrine in Tokyo. Photo taken in January, 2014.

Dear class,

Our last full day of work on the Cold War newspaper assignment today! Here's what class looked like:

Learning Targets:
SS.HS.KN.ALT.09: I can identify how technological knowledge and innovation shapes a society, place, or region.
SS.HS.KN.ALT.17: I can explain the process of change and continuity in a society, place or region.
SS.HS.KN.ALT.23: I can describe the influences, impacts and resolutions of historical conflicts.

Soundtrack: “I Ka Barra (Your Work)” by Habib Koite. Selected because this was the last full in class day of work on your Cold War newspaper project, due next class.

AGENDA 5/20/14:
News Brief
Newspaper Overview

Homework: Finish newspaper (we will have about 30 minutes in the lab to finish and print, but please come with it done, if possible). Read the blog! Next news brief: Jacob.

Links to homework assignment and grading rubric:

News Brief: Nana had the news brief today and talked about the legalization of same sex marriage in Oregon yesterday. I made sure to go over how this happened and some of the reasons why a judge was able to declare the Oregon constitution invalid. An important day in our history, for sure. Thanks, Nana!

Newspaper Overview: I wanted to talk about the basics of the assignment, one last time. This is what I read in class:

Article 1: From the date that you are choosing to publish your paper, who is “winning” the Cold War? Why is the other side not? What is changing in America at this point?

Political Cartoon/Visual Metaphor that relates to your headline, with caption that explains what it is about.

Article 2: An overview of how technology is shaping the war at the time you are publishing the newspaper. Be sure to address the Nuclear Arms Race, and the Space Race if possible. You could also talk about technology within specific wars.

Make sure to cite your sources if you use out of class information! Your in class notes do not need to be cited.

Library: The rest of class was spent on the computers. Please work hard on this, to be able to turn it in next class! This is your final really big assignment of the year - do not neglect to do it! Make sure to ask me in the comments or with an email if you need help!


  1. Mr. Fritz, how long did the Nuclear Arms Race technically last?

  2. Hi there! That's a difficult question to answer, because it's hard to say whether or not it has ever ended. If you are talking just about the US-USSR arms race, it's probably around 1945 to about 1990. But both countries still have massive nuclear weapons arsenals. So yeah. Hard to give an actual date.

  3. Okay....by the way Mr. Fritz, I tried to save my comic but the website crashed for some reason, and I don't know why it keeps happening. What should I do?

    1. Hi there! Remember that you aren't saving it on the website, you are just doing a screen shot, by either using the "print screen" button, or Apple + Shift + 4 to highlight what you want. You could also just draw it, or use Google Drawings, if you want. Plenty of options.

    2. On y computer it doesn't seem to really be working, and I have most of my newspaper done except for my comic strip.

    3. Then my suggestion is to draw your political cartoon. Or use Paint, if it is just an internet problem.

  4. Mr. Fritz, does Agent Orange count as "technology?"

    1. Yes, Agent Orange counts as technology, especially in regards to the Vietnam War, which is a part of the larger Cold War.


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